Twin Cities Transgender Scene!

Welcome to Minnesota. Governor Tim Walz signed Executive Order 23-03 making our state a refuge state for trans/non binary/two spirit/agender people. We are committed to providing gender affirming healthcare services to all who are here. We welcome you to Minnesota and have a list of initial information that could be useful for you. This is a living site where resources will be added on an ongoing basis. Many of these are within the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St Paul) metro area and surrounding counties. We will be adding resources from all around the state as well. Please feel free to send us any resources you have that will be useful for our new and existing trans youth, teens, young adults, adults, and elders. You can email us at Thank you!

Jeong Eun Park - Editor

Physical and mental health resources within our communities. Click the link for detailed information.

Links to basic services such as housing, food, health insurance, and government agencies including county and tribal websites. Click the link for detailed information.

Click the link for detailed information.

A variety of organizations, Facebook pages, and places as well as entertainment options for our communities. Click the link for detailed information.

Trans Refuge Bill HF146
Passes the Minnesota House of Representatives

Trans Scene Story!
Queer Media & Pop Culture

The Minnesota House of Representatives passed the Trans Refuge Bill HF146! This is a historic moment.

March 29, 2023

This bill protects families seeking gender-affirming care in Minnesota from adverse child custody determinations by states that forbid such care. It also protects health care providers from out-of-state litigation or being forced to participate in anti-trans child custody proceedings.

As bills seeking to ban gender-affirming care for youth advance in neighboring states like Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota, HF 146 will make Minnesota a refuge for families across our region and our nation as they seek to get the life-saving care their children need.

As the states that surround us attempt to ignore or erase the existence of transgender and gender expansive people, Minnesota must pass the Trans Refuge Bill to protect trans youth, their families, and Minnesota healthcare providers from out-of-state laws banning gender affirming care. Please contact your state representatives to voice your support for this vital legislation!

The bill is still moving in the Senate. If you haven't had a chance to do so, please contact your Senator to pass the Trans Refuge Bill! 

Fill out this form to send messages to your legislators.

Emily LaJoy
Finding A Home

Trans Scene Story!
Queer Media & Pop Culture

Hello! My name is Emily LaJoy and I am the property manager for the Rize Fund, a local (MN) real estate group.

March 15, 2023

A home is a place where you should feel safe and loved. The process of finding a home should be the same, joyous, but for many it is fraught with difficulty. Housing is hard and is getting harder, especially if you are in a marginalized community where the system is actively working against you.  I am here to make housing make more sense, to be an advocate, and bridge gaps when possible. I can help you with reviewing lease agreements, navigating Fair Housing Law and finding grants and other local housing resources. If my current vacancies don’t work for you, I can assist with connecting you with other safe property managers and companies.
I prioritize compassion, fairness, and honesty.

– “After all, we are all just walking each other home.”

Emily LaJoy
(612) 440-2312

OutFront Minnesota
Trans Day of Visibility

Trans Scene Story!
Queer Media & Pop Culture

March 15, 2023

OutFront Minnesota celebrates the executive order by Governor Tim Walz to protect access to gender affirming care in the state of Minnesota. With the rights of our neighbors under threat this order sends a strong message to trans people, supportive families, and care providers—you are welcome here.

And it comes at a time when our community needs it most.

OutFront was a proud advocate for this order. We are deeply grateful to Governor Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan for their partnership, and for their continued leadership on LGBTQ+ issues. This executive order is an important and meaningful step as we continue to work with our Queer Caucus and legislative champions to advance our community priorities this year—including the trans refuge bill, HF 146/SF 63.Minnesota is reshaping the national narrative around LGBTQ+ rights, and we will continue to advance this important work.

Join us at the State Capitol to celebrate our incredible Trans Community! Hear from our elected officials and fellow activists, party to musical acts, and learn about the ways YOU can make a difference!

WHEN: Friday, March 31
9:00 AM–1:00 PM
Rally at 10:30 AM
WHERE: Minnesota State Capitol
75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Saint Paul, MN 55155


Trans Scene Story!
Queer Media & Pop Culture

March 15, 2023

Minneapolis–Transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive people are under attack in the upper Midwest. In response to this climate of fear and violence, PFund is launching a new peer-to-peer fundraising initiative, the TRANSCEND Campaign.

“PFund has heard directly from our transgender community members–they are scared for their safety and feel unwelcome in many parts of our region,” stated PFund Executive Director Aaron Zimmerman. “The TRANSCEND Campaign is our response to the increasingly hostile environment that transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive people have to live in. PFund is working with partnering organizations to do everything we can to support and protect our region’s trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive youth.”

The TRANSCEND Campaign will raise funds for distribution to partners across the region (including OutFront Minnesota, Family Tree Clinic, Lavender Legal Center, the Transformation Project, and the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition) doing on-the-ground work to protect and assist trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive youth. Examples of how these funds will be used include:

Supporting transportation costs for trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive youth from North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa to receive necessary and life-saving healthcare out-of-state. All three state legislatures have banned or are considering banning medically-necessary gender-affirming care for trans youth.

Covering tuition costs for remote schools that are welcoming to all gender identities in cases where students' local districts are not safe spaces for trans and queer youth.

Providing organizations doing on-the-ground service work (especially in Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota) with cash grants to support their mission as they rapidly respond to the increasingly-hostile and frightening political climates that are enabling and excusing anti-trans bigotry and violence.

“The TRANSCEND Campaign continues the spirit of community support envisioned by the founders of PFund. By supporting the campaign, people are valuing the bright futures of our trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive youth,” added Zimmerman.

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